And the Government of Tanzania has made importation and sale of the types of phone samsung galaxy note 7 .After rwanda also abolished.
Tanzania has banned the importation and distribution of a variety of phones Samsung Galaxy Note 7.
Such action has been taken after Rwanda and handsets ban be explosive and caught fire unreported different countries, it lililoifanya announcing the company's handsets will constitute again.
In addition, Samsung recommended that all those who had bought the phone and no longer use them to extinguish.
The two countries in East Africa have reached the decision in midweek, while other countries like Kenya saying the measures which company Samsung has taken
The East African newspaper was able to write about it, the Tanzania Communications Manager Innocent Mungy, has urged citizens who have purchased these phones put out and repel in which it purchases the stores and the suppliers to comply with security set by company Samsung
Samsung handsets were the market in September after reports that unexploded and occupied the fire while charging. Clients were other calls, but later it was found that even these were new, they contain the fire.
It was then that the company decided to completely terminate the formulation of Galaxy Note 7
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