CONSCIOUS serious consequences of masturbation.
UT masturbation accompanied major social impact na na na today we will look at the health effects of masturbation These ten .. 1. Masturbation causes loose without fear MTU Kua na Power Totally MDA All Have Too Much Power used On This deed. 2. One of the main source of male Power loss because of damaging nerves when MTU was the rub. 3. masturbation reduces the number of sperm {} so low sperm count nai Worst Lovers seeking to give birth. 4. Causes MTU forget Sana na failure to make things more carefully. 5. Makes MTU fear lethargic slumber disposal MDA All Colors All finishes masturbation .6. Causes Male offer alumni Quick past failure to act Ndo colors bring top woman .. {pre-mature ejaculation} 7. It causes stress Great Ideas For Every act when you are finished you regret Hilo Sana na Swear that you will not repeat again .8. Brings intellectual slavery Have you started you can not stop easily {drug} 9. masturbation causes a man or woman missing Ham Quite Colors Partner aroused so bring discomfort On mahusian o.0. The main source of NAI masturbation sex sex One school colors scholars that spreads sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, HIV discovered
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